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Reserarch on

Summary Zededa

  • NICE: based on eve-os, open source, nice
    • eve-os update itself
  • AVAILABLE: docker on edge - very important. Make the whole setup extendable
  • AVAILABLE: immutable Linux distribution!
  • AVAILABLE: Rollback capabilities!

Eve OS - avoid vendor lock in

Architecture Eve OS

Alt Text

Financial Services AWS


Derived from automation pyramid

Eve OS - open api available


Open Questions
  • scaleability on edge to multiple machines to achieve High availability on edge? Unlear The write about Kubernetes on edge, but not clear how far they are
  • are there APIs for the fleet management and integration?
  • available apps for local GUIs?


Component Explanation
PLC (Programmable Logic Controller) A digital computer designed for industrial control, replacing traditional relay logic. It handles tasks like sequencing, timing, counting, and data manipulation.
CNC (Computer Numerical Control) A system that uses computer software to control machine tools, directing their movements to produce parts with precision. It's often used for milling, turning, drilling, and routing.
HMI (Human-Machine Interface) A device that allows operators to interact with and control machines or processes. It often features a touchscreen display with buttons, sliders, and other input elements, providing a user-friendly interface for monitoring and controlling equipment.
EAM (Enterprise Asset Management) Managing physical assets throughout their lifecycle.
ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) Integrating and automating business processes across departments.
CRM (Customer Relationship Management) Managing interactions with customers and potential customers.
