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AWS S3 lifecycle rules


How does one configure the lifecycle management of AWS S3 exactly?

I find it confusing, how the rules in "lifecycle management" of S3 are formulated. There are following oftions, which uncover further configurations:

  • Move current versions of objects between storage classes
  • Move noncurrent versions of objects between storage classes
  • Expire the current versions of objects (what does expire even mean here?)
  • Permanently delete the noncurrent versions of objects
  • Delete the expired object delete markers or incomplete multipart uploads

They seem intuitive, but in detail its less clear:

  • how "delete markers" interfer with "versions"
  • what does "expire" mean for current.

The model behind S3 versioning

Lets understand the model behind the behind S3 versioning.


Noncurrent versions of objects - move between storage classes

Subject Action
noncurrent versions of objects move / transition between storage classes


The matching terraform code would look like this.

There for the action they use "transition" instead "move"

resource "aws_s3_bucket_lifecycle_configuration" "alf_digital_backup-config" {
  bucket =

  rule {
    id = "my_data_retention"

    # SUBJECT: noncurrent-version
    # ACTION:  move/transiton
      newer_noncurrent_versions = 1 # how many versions WONT be affected
      noncurrent_days = 15          # Number of days an object must have been noncurrent, before Amazon will perform the associated action
      storage_class   = "GLACIER"

    # can add more rules: e.g. to delete versions older than 365 days, but keep 14 last non current versions

    # SUBJECT: noncurrent-version
    # ACTION:  expiration
    noncurrent_version_expiration {
      newer_noncurrent_versions = 14 # how many versions WONT be affected
      noncurrent_days = 365          # Number of days an object must have been noncurrent, before Amazon will perform the associated action

    # optinal filter to apply the rule only to one path
    filter {
        prefix = "data/"

    status = "Enabled"

Current versions of objects - expire

Subject Action
current versions of objects expire For version-enabled buckets, Amazon S3 adds a delete marker and the current version of an object is retained as a noncurrent version.
unversioned object expire For non-versioned buckets, Amazon S3 permanently removes the object.

Noncurrent versions of objects - permanently delete

Subject Action
noncurrent versions of objects permanently delete If you wanna delete the noncurrent versions.

Configurations available

  • after x days, after they have become non current
  • keep N of the noncurrent versions


  • All in all the interface would have been more understandable, if there would be more structure in formulation : Subject - action.
  • Consistancy between wording of UI and terraform: move / transition
  • The work "expire" with different behaviour for versioned / non versioned buckets wouldnt be used

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