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Using Azure Service Bus achieving FIFO guarantee at scale. Part 1.


How to implement inter-Service communication making sure, that - "FIFO" guarantee with Azure Service Bus is implemented - "FIFO" guarantee with the Azure Service Bus is used


  • There are 2 Producer Services A and B
    • Service A produces events of type: T1, T2
    • Service B produces events of type: T3, T4
  • There are 2 Consumer Services: C and D
    • Consumer services scale horizontally, so each of them has multiple instances
    • Each instance will consume those types of events from the message bus, in which its interested in
    • Each instance can fail after a while and put back the event, for reprocessing. That must NOT affect the event processing order.


  • The FIFO ORDER MUST be enforced within a single message-type
      That's to simulate the situation, where each service is sending its own events and is not aware of what others are doing, which is realistic.



The approach:

can be solved by using

  • one topic per message-type, to enable services to subscribe for message-types of interest only
  • use an own subscription per service, to introduce a dedicated sub-queue per service.

    See "A topic subscription resembles a virtual queue that receives copies of the messages that are sent to the topic."
  • use "sessions-ids" to demultiplex messages and map those to instances in each service.

    See "Sessions provide concurrent demultiplexing of interleaved message streams while preserving and guaranteeing ordered delivery"

    In the example those are per message-type, but they can be per meaningful session-identifier like "orderId"




  • Separate service-instances by event-types is probably not realistic. As a single service-instance will have to work with multiple event-types simultaniously.
  • this scaling approach is pretty static.
    • the producer must provision topics, for consumer to scale on it. So producer and consumer are not decoupled.
    • the scaling is bound to topics, which are created at deployment time.

Possible improvements

  • Instead the scaling concept should allow horizontal scaling, where each service-instance can consume MULTIPLE event-types.
  • Instead the horizontal scaling of consumers - should be possible at runtime, on demand
  • Instead producers should NOT be involved into how consumers do scale out