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AWS Storage Gateway and AWS Transfer


AWS Storage Gateway

AWS transfer Family


AWS Storage Gateway


  • File Gateway
  • Volume Based Gateway
    • using Gateway STORED Volumes
    • using Gateway CACHED Volumes
  • Tape Based Gateway

File Gateway

  • Purpose:
    • provides access to objects in S3 as files or file share mount points. It can be considered as a file system mount on S3
  • UseCase:
    • cost-effective alternative to on-premises storage.
  • How:
    • Software appliance, or gateway, is deployed into the on-premises environment.
    • Allow access via: NFS, SMB
    • Like a "share folder" that sits in AWS S3
  • When to use:
    • when some network delay accessing files is OK


Volume Based Gateway


  • Gateway STORED Volumes
  • Gateway CACHED Volumes


  • Purpose:
    • provides access to objects in S3 as files or file share mount points. It can be considered as a file system mount on S3
  • How:
    • Allow access via: ISCSI
    • iSCSI protocol works at the block level, it can generally provide higher performance than NFS by manipulating the remote disk directly
Volume Based Gateway Type: Gateway CACHED Volumes
  • UseCase:
    • store up to 1 PB. But only most popular files are available / cached locally in cloud


Volume Based Gateway Type: Gateway STORED Volumes
  • UseCase:
    • on prem - store up to 512 TiB on the Gateway.
    • and asynchronously backs up point-in-time snapshots (in the form of EBS snapshots) of the data to S3 which provides durable off-site backups


Tape Based Gateway

  • Purpose:
    • secure transfer service that helps transfer files into and out of AWS storage services
  • UseCase:
    • on prem - store up to 1 PB TAPE
  • How:
    • Runs in cloud
    • Offers Virtual Tape, Virtual Tape Library (VTL) interfaces
    • Stores on S3 Glacier
  • When to use:
    • wanna migrate tape


AWS Transfer Family

  • Purpose:
    • secure transfer service that helps transfer files into and out of AWS storage services
  • How:
    • Runs in cloud
    • Opens up SFTP, FTPS access.
    • Stores on S3
  • When to use:
    • wanna upload via FTPS


Example of File GW usage with Transfer Family.