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Compare prices of Maps SDK providers


Lets compare the prices for the major Map-SDK providers

  • AWS Locations
  • Azure Maps
  • Google Maps

Use Case

As the site-user,
I enter the site
AND WHEN my GPS coodinates G is retrieved succesfully,
OR when I navigate to a GPS coodinates G on the dynamic map
THEN I retrieve allPOIs around G with radius R


Looks like the simplest dynamic of tiles is enough for this use-case.

Lets look at the prices:

Map tiles retrieved AWS Azure Google
1000 $0.04 $0.00 $0.07
2000 $0.08 $0.00 $0.14
3000 $0.12 $0.00 $0.21
4000 $0.16 $0.00 $0.28
5000 $0.20 $0.00 $0.35
6000 $0.24 $4.50 $0.42
7000 $0.28 $4.50 $0.49
8000 $0.32 $4.50 $0.56
9000 $0.36 $4.50 $0.63
10000 $0.40 $4.50 $0.70
20000 $0.80 $4.50 $1.40
30000 $1.20 $4.50 $2.10
40000 $1.60 $4.50 $2.80
50000 $2.00 $4.50 $3.50
500000 $20.00 $4.50 $35.00



Looks like the following is the case.

Probably this comparison is indicative also for the other Maps-related services, I have not looked at them in detail.


is good for small amounts of map-loads, good for a start up, to start with a small traffic.

Google Maps

is also cheap for small amounts of map-loads. But a bit more expensive, than AWS for dynamic maps. Probably it has a richer API, when looking in dept. But for the use-case above - not necessary needed.


Gives you some stuff for free. And then a stable pricing till a relative high amount of loads.

Links to pricing models of SDK providers