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The how of enterprise cloud systems - Part A "the vision"


If one would accept TOGAF's definition of an "enterprise":

any collection of organizations that has a common set of goals and/or a single bottom line. In that sense, an enterprise can be a government agency, a whole corporation, a division of a corporation, a single department, or a chain of geographically distant organizations linked together by common ownership.`

then, crowd management must be a key concern in an evolving enterprise architecture. I will try to explain why below:

Strategical goals

This statement is indirectly confirmed by Accelerate - The Science of Lean Software and Devops, by Nicole Forsgren, Jez Humble, Gene Kim 2018, Chapter 5 Architecture where it is stated, that the following statements corelate with top-performing developer-teams:

  1. We can do most of our testing without requiring an integrated environment.
  2. We can and do deploy or release our application independently of other applications/services it depends on.

Hence achieving above statements for dev-teams must be handled as on of "strategical goals" for an enterprise-architecture, to achieve top performing dev-teams.

Tactical goals

  1. modularization - with a team-distribution-key, to assign module-responsibility to a single teams. - To ensure, that each team is enabled to develop independently from anothers. - To ensure clearly defined interfaces between modules and teams.

  2. continuous deployment of each module separately - To enable the team, to deploy its module independently

  3. service virtualization - To be able to test in isolation on module-level.

Draft the Solution - very high level


  • modules for independent development, testing and deployment - Use services, as modules for backend. - Use apps, as modules for frontend.
  • Use the Event sourcing pattern, to introduce loosely coupled interfaces between services. To make sure the *ilities can be realised easier.
  • Use apis, to introduce synchronous interfaces between apps and services.

How exactly to set-up the communication between modules e.g. to keep the horizontal scaling and consistancy - will be the topic of further articles.


Next we should expand different facettes of the draft and processes around it.