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AWS provision accounts via organizations


How to provision AWS accounts via Organizations.

First via the Console, to understand the pieces

1. Login as Root User to "Management account > Organizations"

And now.

Here is the gap, how to access teh provisioned account?

2. Enable Secrive Control Policies - SCP

3. Create a permission set, group, user

4. Assign users and groups to organization accounts

Then the user/role/its permission sets associated are propagated into the associated accounts and you can login.

5. SSO into the provisioned account

And this is how the SSO portal looks like, allowing you to choose among accounts and roles, which you provisioned earlier into the accounts.

On my picture there is only one master account, but there would be all accounts in your organization.

Programmatically provision accounts

One can use the Terraform module AWS Control Tower Account Factory for Terraform (AFT)