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Presenting and analysing a case as a enterprise-architect


How to present a case as a enterprise-architect?

Example Case Scenario: Implementing a Cloud Administration System

The organization, an e-commerce company experiencing rapid growth, currently manages its infrastructure using traditional on-premises systems.

The increasing workload demands scalability, flexibility, and improved resource management.

The company aims to transition to a cloud-based administration system to optimize operations.

Case Scenario: Implementing a Cloud Administration System

1. Introduction

- Context Setting: Briefly introduce the organization, its industry, challenges, and objectives. - Case Overview: Outline the specific problem or opportunity the case addresses.


- Context Setting: Introduction to the organization and its current infrastructure here. - Case Overview: Description of transitioning to a cloud-based administration system here.

2. Problem Analysis

Why are we doing what we doing? Why does the organization move to the cloud?

- Problem Identification: Discussion on scalability, resource management, and agility issues. - Root Cause Analysis: Identifying the limitations of the current on-premises systems. - Impact Assessment: Analyzing the consequences of these limitations on operations.


  • Current Challenges: - Limited scalability of on-premises systems leading to performance bottlenecks during peak times. - Inefficient resource allocation and management resulting in underutilization or over-provisioning. - Lack of agility in deploying new services or scaling existing ones rapidly.

3. Solution Proposal

- Strategic Framework: Introduction of a hybrid cloud model and cloud orchestration. - Architecture Design: Detailed design of the hybrid cloud architecture and orchestration tool. - Implementation Plan: Phased approach for assessment, pilot, migration, and optimization.
Plan details:

   - Phase 1: **Assess** current infrastructure and identify workloads suitable for the cloud.
   - Phase 2: **Pilot implementation** of the hybrid cloud model with a selected set of workloads.
   - Phase 3: **Full-scale migration** and integration of remaining systems.
   - Phase 4: **Continuous monitoring** and optimization for ongoing efficiency improvements.


  • Strategic Framework: - Transition to a hybrid cloud model to combine the benefits of public and private clouds. - Implement a cloud orchestration system for automated resource provisioning and scaling.
  • Architecture Design: - Hybrid Cloud Architecture: - Public Cloud for scalable workloads and burst demands. - Private Cloud for sensitive data and specific workloads. - Cloud Orchestration Tool: - Automated provisioning, scaling, and management of resources. - Integration with existing tools and systems for seamless operation.

4. Risk Assessment

- Risk Analysis: Identifying data security and migration disruption risks. - Mitigation Strategies: Strategies to address security concerns and minimize disruptions.


  • Risks: - Data security concerns during migration and within the cloud environment. - Potential disruptions during the transition phase affecting business continuity.
  • Mitigation Strategies: - Robust encryption and access control measures for data security. - Thorough testing and gradual migration to minimize disruptions.

5. Financial and Business Impact

- Cost-Benefit Analysis: Evaluating costs vs. long-term savings and efficiency gains. - Business Impact: Assessing the impact on customer experience and operational efficiency.


  • Cost-Benefit Analysis: - Initial investment in cloud infrastructure and migration costs balanced against long-term savings from resource optimization.
  • Business Impact: - Improved scalability leading to better customer experience and increased sales. - Enhanced operational efficiency and reduced IT management overhead.

6. Recommendations and Next Steps

Typically include suggestions derived from the analysis. These could involve various actions or strategies to address the identified problems or capitalize on opportunities.

(As opposed to a roadmap, a roadmap on the other hand, is a more comprehensive plan that delineates the journey from the current state to the desired future state.)

- Key Recommendations: Suggestions for phased implementation and dedicated team establishment. - Next Steps: Initiating the assessment phase to identify migration priorities and dependencies.


  • Recommendations: - Proceed with phased implementation based on the outlined plan. - Establish a dedicated team for monitoring and continuous improvement.
  • Next Steps: - Initiate the assessment phase to identify migration priorities and dependencies.

7. Conclusion

- Summary: Recap of the main points covered in the presentation. - Closing Thoughts: Emphasizing the potential benefits of transitioning to a cloud administration system.


Transitioning to a cloud administration system offers the organization scalability, flexibility, and enhanced operational efficiency.

With a well-structured plan and mitigation strategies in place, this shift promises to significantly improve the company's competitive edge in the market.