S3 signed URLs
the just knowing a presigned URLs can authenticate to
- download an existing S3-object
- securely upload new S3-object into a predefined bucket
- The bucket CAN enable "block all public access" and presigned URL still would work.
Download authorization an existing S3-object, by knowing the presigned URL¶
To generate a download-link which will immediately work.\ E.g. to return a download-link via a REST-API.
The following tools can be used:
- via AWS-CLI
- via AWS-SDK
And one can authorize the download
enforcement | Description |
limiting the download to one file |
enable a user knowing the link to a file on S3, a to download the file. |
limiting the download to one file, if conditions are met in policy |
enforce conditions in policy to be met |
limiting the download to one file¶
Generating presigned URL via AWS-CLI¶
The output will be:
limiting the download to one file, if conditions are met in policy.¶
TODO: Here one must use CloudFront?
Generate the S3 URL, which will enforce a policy.
"Statement": {
"Resource": "<Optional but recommended: URL of the file>",
"Condition": {
"DateLessThan": {
"AWS:EpochTime": <Required: ending date and time in Unix time format and UTC>
"DateGreaterThan": {
"AWS:EpochTime": <Optional: beginning date and time in Unix time format and UTC>
"IpAddress": {
"AWS:SourceIp": "<Optional: IP address>"
generate-code as in https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonCloudFront/latest/DeveloperGuide/CFPrivateDistJavaDevelopment.html
// Signed URLs for a private distribution
// Note that Java only supports SSL certificates in DER format,
// so you will need to convert your PEM-formatted file to DER format.
// To do this, you can use openssl:
// openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -nocrypt -in origin.pem -inform PEM -out new.der
// -outform DER
// So the encoder works correctly, you should also add the bouncy castle jar
// to your project and then add the provider.
Security.addProvider(new org.bouncycastle.jce.provider.BouncyCastleProvider());
String distributionDomain = "a1b2c3d4e5f6g7.cloudfront.net";
String privateKeyFilePath = "/path/to/rsa-private-key.der";
String s3ObjectKey = "s3/object/key.txt";
String policyResourcePath = "https://" + distributionDomain + "/" + s3ObjectKey;
// Convert your DER file into a byte array.
byte[] derPrivateKey = ServiceUtils.readInputStreamToBytes(new
// Generate a "canned" signed URL to allow access to a
// specific distribution and file
String signedUrlCanned = CloudFrontService.signUrlCanned(
"https://" + distributionDomain + "/" + s3ObjectKey, // Resource URL or Path
keyPairId, // Certificate identifier,
// an active trusted signer for the distribution
derPrivateKey, // DER Private key data
ServiceUtils.parseIso8601Date("2011-11-14T22:20:00.000Z") // DateLessThan
// Build a policy document to define custom restrictions for a signed URL.
String policy = CloudFrontService.buildPolicyForSignedUrl(
// Resource path (optional, can include '*' and '?' wildcards)
// DateLessThan
// CIDR IP address restriction (optional, means everyone)
// DateGreaterThan (optional)
// Generate a signed URL using a custom policy document.
String signedUrl = CloudFrontService.signUrl(
// Resource URL or Path
"https://" + distributionDomain + "/" + s3ObjectKey,
// Certificate identifier, an active trusted signer for the distribution
// DER Private key data
// Access control policy
Links download authorization¶
- AWS CLI presign command
- Sharing objects using presigned URLs
- https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonCloudFront/latest/DeveloperGuide/private-content-overview.html
Upload authorization for a new S3-object, by knowing the presigned URL¶
To generate an upload-link which will immediately work.\ E.g. to return an upload-link via a REST-API.\ You can generate a presigned URL.
The following tools can be used:
via AWS-CLI(via CLI one can not generate upload URLs)- via AWS-SDK, programatically
The interesting part is, what one can enforce upon uploading.
enforcement | Description |
limiting by S3-path and object-name |
enforce the upload of a file, with a predefined S3-path and predefined object-name. |
limiting by conditions |
enforce the upload by what condition allows |
upload limiting by S3-path and object-name¶
Generating upload presigned URLs
can only generated programmatically
The following script generates a presigned URL
install requirements
import argparse
import logging
import boto3
from botocore.exceptions import ClientError
import requests
import sys
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
logging.basicConfig(stream=sys.stdout, level=logging.INFO)
def generate():
s3 = boto3.client('s3')
object_key = 'bakabakabu2.txt'
response = s3.generate_presigned_post(
logger.info("Got presigned POST URL: %s", response['url'])
# formulate a CURL command now
response['fields']['file'] = '@{key}'.format(key=object_key)
form_values = "\n ".join(["-F {key}={value} \\".format(key=key, value=value)
for key, value in response['fields'].items()])
print('curl command: \n')
# the -L argument allows redirection. Avoids 307 error. Especially if the bucket is in non us-region
print('curl -L -v {form_values} \n {url}'.format(form_values=form_values, url=response['url']))
if __name__ == '__main__':
The upper generate.py
script - generates a curl
command to upload the local file "bakabakabu2.txt" into the predefined S3 path.
curl -L -v -F key=folder1/subfolder2/bakabakabu2.txt \
-F x-amz-algorithm=AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 \
-F x-amz-credential=ASIAVJED7X57U7JWEP67/20230604/eu-central-1/s3/aws4_request \
-F x-amz-date=20230604T215724Z \
-F x-amz-security-token=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 \
-F x-amz-signature=273fbbc6cf9e1118ac703757578cec51c57261a0106e7895a5b4690ade9e17cc \
-F file=@bakabakabu2.txt \
upload limiting by conditions¶
As above script, but adding a condition.
response = s3.generate_presigned_post(
Conditions=[["starts-with", "$key", "uploads/"]],
ExpiresIn=(10 * 60),