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S3 signed URLs


On AWS S3 the just knowing a presigned URLs can authenticate to

  • download an existing S3-object
  • securely upload new S3-object into a predefined bucket


  • The bucket CAN enable "block all public access" and presigned URL still would work.

Download authorization an existing S3-object, by knowing the presigned URL

To generate a download-link which will immediately work.\ E.g. to return a download-link via a REST-API.

The following tools can be used:

  • via AWS-CLI
  • via AWS-SDK

And one can authorize the download

enforcement Description
limiting the download to one file enable a user knowing the link to a file on S3, a to download the file.
limiting the download to one file, if conditions are met in policy enforce conditions in policy to be met

limiting the download to one file

Generating presigned URL via AWS-CLI

aws s3 presign s3://poc-presignedurl-alf/folder1/subfolder2/bakabakabu.txt \
    --expires-in 240

The output will be:

limiting the download to one file, if conditions are met in policy.

TODO: Here one must use CloudFront?

Generate the S3 URL, which will enforce a policy.


  "Statement": {
    "Resource": "<Optional but recommended: URL of the file>",
    "Condition": {
      "DateLessThan": {
        "AWS:EpochTime": <Required: ending date and time in Unix time format and UTC>
      "DateGreaterThan": {
        "AWS:EpochTime": <Optional: beginning date and time in Unix time format and UTC>
      "IpAddress": {
        "AWS:SourceIp": "<Optional: IP address>"

generate-code as in

// Signed URLs for a private distribution
// Note that Java only supports SSL certificates in DER format, 
// so you will need to convert your PEM-formatted file to DER format. 
// To do this, you can use openssl:
// openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -nocrypt -in origin.pem -inform PEM -out new.der 
//    -outform DER 
// So the encoder works correctly, you should also add the bouncy castle jar
// to your project and then add the provider.

Security.addProvider(new org.bouncycastle.jce.provider.BouncyCastleProvider());

String distributionDomain = "";
String privateKeyFilePath = "/path/to/rsa-private-key.der";
String s3ObjectKey = "s3/object/key.txt";
String policyResourcePath = "https://" + distributionDomain + "/" + s3ObjectKey;

// Convert your DER file into a byte array.

byte[] derPrivateKey = ServiceUtils.readInputStreamToBytes(new

// Generate a "canned" signed URL to allow access to a 
// specific distribution and file

String signedUrlCanned = CloudFrontService.signUrlCanned(
    "https://" + distributionDomain + "/" + s3ObjectKey, // Resource URL or Path
    keyPairId,     // Certificate identifier, 
                   // an active trusted signer for the distribution
    derPrivateKey, // DER Private key data
    ServiceUtils.parseIso8601Date("2011-11-14T22:20:00.000Z") // DateLessThan

// Build a policy document to define custom restrictions for a signed URL.

String policy = CloudFrontService.buildPolicyForSignedUrl(
    // Resource path (optional, can include '*' and '?' wildcards)
    // DateLessThan
    // CIDR IP address restriction (optional, means everyone)
    // DateGreaterThan (optional)

// Generate a signed URL using a custom policy document.

String signedUrl = CloudFrontService.signUrl(
    // Resource URL or Path
    "https://" + distributionDomain + "/" + s3ObjectKey, 
    // Certificate identifier, an active trusted signer for the distribution
    // DER Private key data
    // Access control policy

Upload authorization for a new S3-object, by knowing the presigned URL

To generate an upload-link which will immediately work.\ E.g. to return an upload-link via a REST-API.\ You can generate a presigned URL.

The following tools can be used:

  • via AWS-CLI (via CLI one can not generate upload URLs)
  • via AWS-SDK, programatically

The interesting part is, what one can enforce upon uploading.

enforcement Description
limiting by S3-path and object-name enforce the upload of a file, with a predefined S3-path and predefined object-name.
limiting by conditions enforce the upload by what condition allows

upload limiting by S3-path and object-name


Generating upload presigned URLs can only generated programmatically

The following script generates a presigned URL

install requirements

pip install boto3
pip install requests

import argparse
import logging
import boto3
from botocore.exceptions import ClientError
import requests
import sys

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
logging.basicConfig(stream=sys.stdout, level=logging.INFO)

def generate():

    s3 = boto3.client('s3')

    object_key = 'bakabakabu2.txt'

    response = s3.generate_presigned_post(
    )"Got presigned POST URL: %s", response['url'])

    # formulate a CURL command now

    response['fields']['file'] = '@{key}'.format(key=object_key)

    form_values = "\n    ".join(["-F {key}={value} \\".format(key=key, value=value)
                            for key, value in response['fields'].items()])

    print('curl command: \n')

    # the -L argument allows redirection. Avoids 307 error. Especially if the bucket is in non us-region
    print('curl -L -v {form_values} \n    {url}'.format(form_values=form_values, url=response['url']))


if __name__ == '__main__':

The upper script - generates a curl command to upload the local file "bakabakabu2.txt" into the predefined S3 path.

curl -L -v -F key=folder1/subfolder2/bakabakabu2.txt \
    -F x-amz-algorithm=AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 \
    -F x-amz-credential=ASIAVJED7X57U7JWEP67/20230604/eu-central-1/s3/aws4_request \
    -F x-amz-date=20230604T215724Z \
    -F x-amz-security-token=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 \
    -F x-amz-signature=273fbbc6cf9e1118ac703757578cec51c57261a0106e7895a5b4690ade9e17cc \
    -F file=@bakabakabu2.txt \

upload limiting by conditions

As above script, but adding a condition.

    response = s3.generate_presigned_post(
        Conditions=[["starts-with", "$key", "uploads/"]],
        ExpiresIn=(10 * 60),