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Functional requirements to software resulting from GDPR


Which functional requirements result to a software system from GDPR?

functional requirements

1. Data Encryption and Security Measures: - Requirement for encryption mechanisms for storing and transmitting sensitive customer data (e.g., credit card numbers, personal information). - Implementation of secure authentication and access control measures to prevent unauthorized access to personal data.

2. User Consent Management: - Functionality to obtain explicit consent from users for collecting, processing, and storing their personal data. - Capability to manage and track user consent preferences and allow users to modify or withdraw consent easily.

3. Data Minimization and Retention Policies: - Functionality to minimize the collection and storage of personal data to what is strictly necessary for the intended purpose. - Capability to enforce data retention policies, including automated deletion or anonymization of data after a specified period or when no longer needed.

4. User Access and Control: - Functionality allowing users to access and review their personal data held by the platform. - Capability for users to rectify, update, or delete their data upon request.

5. Privacy by Design and Default: - Requirement to implement privacy-enhancing features by default, such as pseudonymization, to protect user identities. - Incorporating privacy considerations into the software architecture and development process.